Annette Gitahi
4 min readMar 24, 2021


Why Right Wing Media is desperate to see Biden fail.

From the 'senile Joe' comments, to outright lies about Biden’s family, the right wing media has their eyes on Biden. At the slightest gaffe or misstep, the panels and showmen are out guns blazing to tackle the seasoned politician turned president, repeating a washed and dried conspiracy that Biden is incapable of doing the job. And if a ‘senile Joe' would beat Trump in the 2020 election, what would a 2008 Joe Biden do, your guess is as good as mine, it would be a total decimation. Election fraud lies not withstanding, they are doing what they know best, smear. And saying that it was CNN which bundled Trump out of office, may be they are trying to do the same with Biden.

The right wing has conviniently adopted former Trump staffers into their shows and with it has come a continuation of the Trump show unhinged with complete misinformation and spins. Kayleigh McEnany is first and foremost, the greatest liar of them all according to Jake Tapper. Now Kayleigh is spinning on why Biden has not had a full media conference since coming to office. The usual answer is about Biden’s mental acuity. Larry Kudlow was the one asking the question, too much irony in that already.

But it’s the desperate move to compare Biden to Trump and before that Trump comparing himself to Obama, that has led me to wonder if right wing media under the influence of Trump will take the side of a mentally ill person to spite Biden. The latest being 'it takes one to know one' jibe by Putin against Biden and right wingers were already on Putin’s side, asking for a war of words contest. Russia is the conspiracy theory hub of the world, and America happens to be its largest lab experiment. The right wing media and Trump continue to echo those conspiracy theories that come straight outta Russia, so they are always on the same page. Therefore, a dark figure like Putin, who Trump bowed to consistently, will get broad right wing support. For what, freedom of speech, no, he kills journalists in Russia, but the common goal to see a failed Biden administration.

Again, the so-called ‘The Five' on Fox News, had their own reaction about Biden’s Neardethal comments. They had nothing to say about Trump in his time in office. For a man who insulted and cheated his way to the presidency and back, you would forgiven to think that panels were held on a daily basis to analyse Trump’s abusive tweets. It would be rich comment-wise to attempt to call Biden’s comments inappropriate. It’s child’s play compared to his predecessor.

The right wing way of thinking has tentacles around the world. I recently came across Sky News Australia reporting on Biden all in negative light, and wondered with everything happening in Australia, why the network was preoccupied with Biden. Then a name clicked, Murdoch, the same bile the God- awful family has been feeding Americans, Britons, has a world wide loop..not of news but misinformation. The richer they get, the more networks they buy and hence the more dense their misinformation campaign around the world. This family is not advancing freedom of speech, they are interested in media power to control the political narrative, damned and dangerous as it may be. And now together with other right wing media, both christian and secular, they are selling misinformation as gospel truth, and very omninous future outlook under Biden. Most notable of all predictions is that Biden is incapable of finishing his first term. The saddest part is that people believe them, even thanking them for reporting the honest truth, while all they have cared about is revenue and ratings.

With Trump out of the picture and out of sight against the wishes of his fans, these right-wingers are doing his bidding. Twitter banishment has diminished him for good. But it’s the right wing media which has stepped in to fill in the alternative information gap and unceasing misinformation. Apparently, they believe Trump syked the news cycle, so they must fuel the news cycle with lies in his absence. Unfortunately, boring Joe will not fuel the news cycle unless there is substance, Trump on the other hand craved attention. The men couldn’t be more different than that. My guess being that Biden will have a full press conference after 100 days in office which must be eternity for coke journalists who must now take diet coke to slim down the lies.

Right Wing Media knows Trump will tell them they are doing a good job for smearing Biden, so they will keep doing it, until their master regains his position of national relevance. Right wing media will keep doing what right wing media knows best, lie and misinform; a diet that it’s viewers cannot live without. Its the freedom of speech.



Annette Gitahi

World Peace. A humane world with dignity and respect for all